• Endless possibilities in the production of flour cream products as a cream, filling and decoration of any confectionery, mousses, soufflés, desserts, ganaches and other sweets.
  • Creative freedom in creating new creams: combine whipping creams with fruit, berry, curd and sour cream fillings, boiled condensed milk, milk cream and curd cheese.
  • Rich decorating possibilities: the high stability and elasticity of the creams allows you to create both simple and complex decorations.
  • Realization of the potential of any production, thanks to the high manufacturability of creams using automated and manual production processes.
More than 20 types of high-tech ultra-pasteurized creams to create confectionery masterpieces.
Creams Ducatto on vegetable oils UHT
Since 2010, we have been producing an alternative to milk cream - Ducatto vegetable oil cream using UHT technology. More than 10 types of creams from professionals to professionals.
  • Technological!
    Increase in volume by 3.5-5 times. Whipping time from 3 minutes. The introduction of confectionery additives up to 100%. Stable throughout the shelf life of finished products.

  • Universal!
    As a cream (layer of cakes, rolls, pastries). Stuffing eclairs, shu, profiteroles and wafers and tubules. Decoration (simple and complex elements). Desserts preparation. and ganache.

  • Safe!
    Food safety is ensured by the UHT process and aseptic packaging.
Assortment of creams Ducatto
Whipping creams "Chef Ducat"
A professional solution for creating decor of any complexity, for the production of all types of cream confectionery.
  • Technological!
    Increase in volume by 3.5-4.8 times. Whipping time from 3 minutes. The introduction of confectionery additives up to 50%. Stable throughout the shelf life of finished products.

  • Universal!
    As a cream (layer of cakes, rolls, pastries). Stuffing eclairs, shu, profiteroles, wafer rolls. Decoration (simple and complex elements). Preparation of desserts and chocolate ganache.

  • Safe!
    Complies with ISO 22000 standards.
    Control at all stages of production and storage
Assortment of whipping creams "Chef Ducat"
Whipping Cream Anabelle
An amazingly versatile and multi-faceted cream for creating creamy masterpieces.
  • Technological!
    Suitable for any confectionery equipment and production process (automatic, mechanical, manual) due to the structure of whipped cream Form-resistant, which allows you to create decor of any complexity Adding additional components up to 40% Stable for the entire shelf life of finished products.
  • Multifaceted!
    As a cream (layer of cakes, rolls, pastries). Stuffing (eclairs, shu, profiteroles, tubules). Decoration (simple and complex elements). Preparation of desserts and ganache. Creation of creams (various cream-based formulations)
  • Safe!
    Complies with ISO 22000 standards.
    Control at all stages of production and storage.
  • Extended term!
    The shelf life of cream products is up to 30 days (a test semi-finished product with a moisture content of not more than 15%).
Assortment of whipping creams Anabelle
Anabelle vanilla
BiB 5 kg, 10 kg
MuSS Whipping Creams
A unique cream for the preparation of mousse and soufflé products, which allows you to save time in the preparation of cream products and diversify their assortment.
  • Fast cooking!
    Using MuSS creams, you reduce the preparation time of the finished mousse to 4 minutes.
  • Without solidification!
    Ready-made mousses do not require curing after assembling a cream product.
  • Beautiful result!
    Ready-made mousses leave an even pattern when deposited from a pastry bag, and when cutting the finished product, they do not squeeze out from the sides, do not decrease in volume during the entire shelf life when applied in a layer up to 3 cm.
  • Base for creams!
    MuSS creams pair beautifully with a variety of products.
  • Freezing!
    Suitable for the manufacture of products with subsequent freezing.
Assortment of whipping creams MuSS
Only for wholesale customers
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